
All posts for the month July, 2016

Ok so maybe I haven’t updated the Cup in a long time, and I’ve said it’s because I’m super busy, which none of you really believe.

So I guess I’ll come clean.  I’ve enjoyed having it sit on my desk.

It has really brightened up my day and brought pizzazz to my normal routine.
What’s the Commish’ normal Routine you ask?

Well it’s really nothing fancy.  Probably the same as any other person in sales.

1. Drink Red Bull out of Ron Burgundy coffee cup  (Not coffee.  Coffee is for Closers… And even when a deal is closed, the Commish will still choose something other than coffee.)

2. Watch Glengarry Glen Ross video on YouTube.

But as I said, it’s now updated and available for it’s Summer Tour.

Given the fact that I didn’t update it last year, anyone who won this year OR last year is welcome to take it for a few days and get some pictures for the website.

Shoot me an email and I’ll get it to you.

Let the summer begin!
