
All posts for the month July, 2014

Guess what.  Superman isn’t the only one vulnerable to kryptonite.

I never thought I’d compare my wife to Lex Luthor, but she seems to have nailed this.

Go ahead, laugh it up.  Chances are, you’re in the same boat as I am.


You remember when we were younger and the wife would ask us to do things we had no interest in doing, or ask us to buy something that we had absolutely no interest in buying?

It was great.  We’d shoot them down and remind them that they were lucky to be married to us.

Then they’d prepare us a hot meal, put on the game and change into lingerie.

Remember that?


Fast forward to how things are now.

The same type of requests come in, but 99% of the time we do what’s asked or approve the purchase of said item.


You know why?  Because the ball switched courts.

15 years ago, we had everything we wanted.

A hot wife, a good job, a house, a car, good health… you get the picture.


The wives had all this too, but they wanted one more thing.



So, we had kids.

And now the ball is forever in their court.


Because they have something we’ll always want.

And with that, they also have something something I call “The Power of the V”


Think about it.  Before kids, we called the shots.  We were in control.

We were able to do this because we were an essential part of the reproduction process.

(never mind how mind boggling it is that some of our wives chose us to reproduce with them)

The fact is, we could get away with anything.


But, as proven throughout time, men are stupid.

So we relinquished our control and are now mesmerized and fully controlled by “The Power of the V”.

(It’s not so bad really)


Now, here’s how you can learn from the Commish (once again).

I’ve had kids for 14 years now, and it’s probably taken me 12 years to smarten up and not argue with the wife.

Whenever I have in the past, it’s inevitably led to a situation like you see in the picture below.


Instead, work with the Power of the V, and you’ll be rewarded.

The Power of the V is your friend.

Not sure what I mean?  This is how I look at the wife now when she asks me to do something.

Of course, you may hear the phrase “hello, my eyes are up here” a lot.

Stay Thirsty my fellow Badgers.
The Season starts in 2 months!